Online Pledge Portals

Thank you for participating in the 2024-2025 United Way Campaign!

Campaign 24-25 Sponsors

THANK YOU for giving back to your local United Way!


We value the partnership we have with our local businesses and leaders, who have been helping UWLES create local impact since 1944. United Way works with community partners to enhance the health, education, and financial stability for everyone throughout the Lower Eastern Shore. Your donation of ANY amount is greatly appreciated and will help make a difference for over 100,000 local neighbors annually. 

Please reach out to our United Way Lower Eastern Shore contacts; Amanda, Ryan or Pam with any questions, or call UWLES at 410-742-5143 

#UnitedWayBeginsWithYOU   #80yearsoflocalimpact

Click on Your Company's Logo Below to Access Your Campaign Portal

One Year to EmpowermentAmerican Red CrossAtlantic General HospitalAvery Hall Insurance Group

Awaken Logo     Town of BerlinBig Brother Big Sister of the Eastern Shore

Catholic Charities - Seton CenterCATO Gas & OilChesapeake Utlities

City of SalisburyCoastal HospiceCFESSharp Water - CulliganDavis, Bowen & Freidel, Inc."Delmarva Community ServicesDelmarva Veteran Builders

DiakoniaDorchester Chamber of CommerceDorchester County Public SchoolDove PointeEastersealsEpoch Dream CenterFairfax PropertiesFarmers Bank of Willards

First Shore FederalFour Square BenefitsGillis GilkersonGirl Scouts of the Chesapeake BayGKDGMBHabitat for Humanity Wicomico CountyHarkinsHSBHolloway & MarvelHolloway Funeral HomeHorizons Salisbury

Hudson Behavioral HealthIt Takes A Village

Life Crisis CenterMAC

Maryland Food BankM&T BankMcCrone LogoMid Shore Mediation

Pepsi Bottling VenturesPerdue FarmsPiedmont AirlinesPKS

Pohanka of SalisburyRecovery Resource CenterRommel HoldingsRon jon

Salisbury Area Chamber of CommerceSalisbury Urban MinistriesSalivation Army Salisbury

Samaritan MinistriesScouting for AmericaServ ProShore Distributors

"Somerset County Public School

SVNTelewireTidalHealthToriod CorporationTown of Ocean CityTri-County ConcilTRSVillage of HopeWicomico CountyWicomico County Public SchoolsWicomico Public Libraries

Wigglesworth, Layton, Moyers & ChanceWMDTWorcester County Public Schools Worcester County Government

Worcester Co Child Advocacy CenterWorcester County Commission on AgingWorcester County GOLD

Worcester Youth & Family Wor-Wic

Don't See Your Company's Logo Above?