UWLES Annual Workplace Campaign
The foundation of our local United Way is the annual community campaign. Since 1944, local businesses and organizations continue to partner with United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore to support nonprofit agencies providing help for those in our community with the most critical needs. By bringing people together toward a common mission, the giving power of our communities is strengthened and the capacity for people to care about one another is increased.
Of all donations last year, 61% came from individual donors. Each year, the success of the campaign comes from the generosity of pour community and the dedication of a strong team of champion volunteers.
Would you like to start a Workplace Campaign? Contact your Workplace Campaign Coordinator or call Amanda Hailey, Ryan Jackson or Pam Gregory at UWLES at 410-742-5143 for details.
Make an online donation through your company workplace giving campaign
Workplace Giving Campaign Toolkit
Campaign Coordinators and Champions! Check out marketing tools and assets to help you with your workplace giving campaign.