Individual Gift

Individual Gift

Want to give Crypto?  Click Here to Give Crypto

Want to give securities, stocks, etc?  Click Here to Give Stocks, other Securities, RMD, etc.

Donation Method
Check Donation
Make checks payable to United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore. Please give the check to your Campaign Coordinator within 24 hours of this pledge or mail to UWLES office at 803 N. Salisbury Blvd. Suite 2100 Salisbury, MD 21801
Cash/Venmo Donation
Please DROP OFF at UWLES office (Please do not mail cash).

If choosing Venmo, please send payment on the Venmo app to @uwles and specify your name in the description.
Bill Me Details
Credit Card Donation
After completing this form you will be redirected to our payment page where you will be able to process your transaction in a secured environment. Please be sure to enter the same values that you have entered on this form. Once you hit submit, you will receive an email verification that you can use to reference for entering the same values. Thank you!
Total Annual Contribution
Optional Designations

Annual contributions may be designated to an approved local United Way Agency Partner or Direct Program ($50 minimum gift per designation). 

Direct My Gift to Another United Way
Additional Options
My Involvement
My signature below, confirms my pledge as stated above.

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