So many of us start the new year with a “to do” list of resolutions – getting organized, cleaning out files, making that appointment with your attorney to start the process of making a will. UWLES cannot help you clean out your files, or help you get organized, but we can help you start the process of writing your will! We have partnered with to provide you with a safe, secure, and comprehensive way to create a will. This legally binding document will give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have planned for your future… and it is free of charge!
The information you provide is combined with precise legal language to create a printable document. If your situation is uncomplicated, all you will need to do is sign the document with two witnesses. If your situation is made more complex by a larger estate, special family needs, or unique issues, you can start with this document and get the help of an experienced attorney in finalizing it. Just print the completed forms and bring them with you on your first visit and you will have saved a good deal of time and money.
If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, please feel free to email Cathie Thomas at or call her at 410-742-5143.